Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Colby Broke both Arms!

Yes that is my middle guy with two green casts. It was the piece de resistance on our family vacation to tour all the lighthouses in NC. The first day out we have an eventful day chasing Grandpa around and after dinner at my brother Adam's house the boys go out to play with my youngest brother Jonathon. Then they come back in, Jonathan telling my mom to look at Colby because he is being a big baby about a little hurt, dad's all huffing about Colby being thrown on his face. Mom looks at one arm then the other and from across the room I can see it is broken. I freak (for those that know me this is not normal for me, no wise cracks Jason) grab my poor child who is in complete shock barely crying and head for the hospital. Then I get the story, Colby is by far a better storyteller but I will try. They were playing by the water and they saw something across the creek they wanted to see Jonathon jumped over but Colby said he couldn't make it. So Jonathon says how about I throw you across. (that's when the doctors eyes get big every time) Jonathon says he asked him if he was ready Colby says he was like oh and oh and then he was flying. Keaton says Colby was being stupid flaying about. Dad says he landed on his face. Colby then says he put out his arms because he didn't want to get a new face. Well the right one is broken on the growth plate at a 45 degree angle the other is called a green willow fracture just bent really good. Both require casts.
Colby was tramatized for about a day now he thinks he is the bomb but really upset that he can't swim. Kids they jump back so quick it's amazing we survive them. Love this kid and I am so proud of his brave spirit and that he is making this a fun new adventure to tell all his friends about!


Meredith said...

I hope Colby recovers nicely.

Unknown said...

He is doing well thank you Meredith!